Coffee competitions at FAFGA 2023

The 13th International & Tyrolean Coffee Championships will take place this year from September 18th to 20th, 2023 as part of the FAFGA alpine superior gastronomy trade fair.

Not only nationally, but also internationally, these outstanding coffee championships offer the participants the opportunity to demonstrate their coffee skills under the supervision of a high-ranking international jury.

At the four coffee competitions Barista, Latte Art, Filter Coffee Challenge and Cafetier of the Year 2023, the audience can be up close and experience the art of coffee in all its facets. The S'COOLS Barista Competition, which was conceived as a competition for pupils, is a new addition.

As part of this annual championship event, the competitions not only focus on the promotion and further development in the coffee sector, but also give all coffee enthusiasts the opportunity for national and international exchange.

During the competitions, trade fair visitors can experience coffee live from cultivation to preparation by our coffee experts. Nowhere is it so easy to experience all stages of coffee as in the coffee experience world at the FAFGA!

Programme / Procedure

Monday, 18.09.2023

Coffee cultivation - soil conditions - processing and sustainability Followed by tasting of various coffee varieties.
12.00 - 16.00 - COMPETITION - Int. & Tyrolean Barista Championship
15.00 - 16.30 - COLD COFFEE IN TREND - Live tasting with Goran Huber
17.00 - Award Ceremony Int. & Tyrolean Barista Championship

Tuesday, 19.09.2023

10.00 - 14.00 - COMPETITION - Filter Coffee Challenge
14.00 - 17.00 - COMPETITION - Int. & Tyrolean Latte Art Championship Semifinals
17.30 - Award Ceremony Filter Coffee Challenge
17.30 - Announcement Finalists Int. & Tyrolean Latte Art Championship

Wednesday, 20.09.2023

10.00 - 13.00 - COMPETITION - Int. & Tyrolean Latte Art Championship Final
14.00 - 17.00 - COMPETITION - Cafetier of the Year 2023
17.30 - Award Ceremony Int. & Tyrolean Latte Art Championship
17.30 - Award ceremony Cafetier of the Year 2023

Thursday, 21.09.2023

10.00 - 14.00 - S'COOL Barista Competition - Perfect Coffee makes School
17.30 - Award Ceremony S'COOL Barista Competition